Gazmyoclearmi Admin replied

295 weeks ago

Rise Of The Zombies Full Movie Hd 1080p

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646f9e108c During a zombie apocalypse ,a group of survivors hide on Alcatraz Island to escape from rising zombie hordes. When their refuge is overrun, and upon hearing that a scientist may have discovered a cure, they leave the island to seek him out.
Considering that this was The Asylum, I kind of knew what to expect. But seeingthe cast was a good one and that there have been some tolerable movies of theirs in the past, I was hoping that Rise of the Zombies would be one of them. While it is a long way from The Asylum's worst, there is very little to be seen that is good here. Danny Trejo gave a bad-ass performance and the title was great, but that was it. You don't expect particularly good production values from The Asylum, but Rise of the Zombies is one of the worst-looking films I've seen in a while. Almost all the scenes lookedthough they were done in one take, there was an over-reliance on CGI backgrounds and there were too many mistakes to list. Everything just seemed too rushed. Rise of the Zombies was written terribly too. The dialogue was forced and cheesy and the sentimental scenes were more awkward than they were poignant, the latter of which is a bad thing because there was lots of it here to the point it was over-used. The story was very rushed and got ridiculous after a while. It also didn't help that the horror and suspense elements needed for a zombie movie just weren't there, there was just too much of the cheese factor(tolerable if done in spades, but all the time is too much). We have no time to care for or invest in any of the characters, they were introduced and then just wentquicklythey were introduced. Apart from Trejo, the acting is bad, Mariel Hemingway in particular is painful especially in the line delivery. Those behind Rise of the Zombies also didn't seem to know how to make the zombies- made up in a very over-theatrical fashion- behave, one moment they're lumbering, next they're running, next they're swimming(more consistency please!) Overall, great title and I enjoyed Danny Trejo, but with Rise of the Zombies that's all I can say that was good. 2/10 Bethany Cox
What do you want from a zombie apocalypse movie? Social commentary? Rich symbolism? Literary dialog?<br/><br/>Or, do you want wicked zombie gags, overacting, cheesy dialog and B-plus acting by B-minus actors glad to have the work?<br/><br/>All my friends from paragraph two, welcome to "Rise of the Zombies." You will not be disappointed.<br/><br/>A standard-grade zombie movie is the best you can hope for from The Asylum, whose previous living-dead efforts include the aptly named "Zombie Apocalypse" and better-than-it-deserved-to-be "I Am Omega."<br/><br/>But the low-rent production house ups its game here, with some decent location shooting in San Francisco, some really gross zombies, more- than-decent acting turns by Jordi Kunte Kinte Reading Rainbow LaForge and the sane Hemingway sister, and a performance by Machete that's everything you expect and nothing more, because what you see is all he was paid to do.<br/><br/>The Asylum seems to excel at zombie movies because they're cheap and easy. What's nice is, despite that, they seem to be having fun making these pictures and that fun is evident on screen. "Abraham Lincoln Versus Zombies" was a freakin' hoot. And the aforementioned "I Am Omega" was a more enjoyable adaptation of the Matheson novella than Will Smith's blockbuster ever could be.<br/><br/>That's not so in some of The Asylum's other efforts, like its haunted house or found-footage movies, for example, which are boring and sullen. So, let's encourage the good stuff in the hopes it'll make more of it.<br/><br/>This one's definitely worth the buck-and-a-quarter at Redbox.

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last edited 217 weeks ago by Gazmyoclearmi
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